In Los Angeles, California
C2V serves the community through two of the Four Core Initiatives:
Health and Sanitation
Academic Retention and Success
Health is encouraged through the promotion and cultivation of emotional and psychological wellness, and the dismantling of the stigma associated with mental illness.
This includes Individual Mental Health Services for adults, psychoeducation, and women’s wellness peer sessions.
Through a macro approach, consultation, training, seminars, and program development are offered to community groups, churches, and organizations.

Women's Wellness Sessions
There's always space for You in the SisterCircle
Within the Circle, validation and wholeness are experienced
nurturance soothes & strength emerges - history and resources intertwine with hope & healing
clarity and rejuvenation blossom like a flower, full bloom and radiant in color!
Infinite Possibilities of Self-discovery and Growth.
Anxiety - Lean in to THRIVE
Session focuses on psychoeducation to increase understanding of anxiety and strategies to support self-regulation (emotions, physiological sensations, cognitions and behaviors)
Awareness ::
Engaging the day through The 5 Senses can enhance daily life & mitigate experiences of anxiety

Black Skin
A Gathering of Women to explore life in Black Skin - to Celebrate Womanhood - Validate VOICE and Honor Variation in BLACKNESS
Academic Retention & Success
Academic Retention and Success is facilitated through one of several Women’s Wellness sessions. We support women who are pursuing higher education, balancing aspirations and obligations. We provide mentorship and professional development for adult students and early career professionals.

Sallie's Wings
Self-care and empowerment for women 50+. Sallie's Wings promotes healthy transitions (i.e., retirement, empty-nest, menopause, divorce or separation, etc) and supports redefining sense of self, worth, purpose, and rediscovery of life
Saturday Sunrise
90-mins at sunrise, on the sand, at the beach. Interactive self-care and empowerment focused on cultivating and sustaining a fortified sense of self - mind, body, and spirit; emphasizing healthy release of stress, restoration of balance, and cultivation of resilience